Integrate your key exchange for your Airbnb into the iGMS property management system. Easy to integrate and automate self check-ins for guests!
What is my Guest’s Experience When Using Keycafe?
Find out how your vacation rental guest’s experience their check-in when using Keycafe to exchange keys.
Keycafe is now Integrated with Guesty
Keycafe is now integrated with the Guesty property management system. Find out how to integrate your accounts for more efficient functionality.
Automate your Key Exchange by Connecting your Keycafe and Airbnb Accounts
Keycafe has updated the Airbnb integration, so hosts can auto-complete guest information and have automatic updates for their accesses.
Visita Keycafe a Format EXTRA – Ospitalità d’Autore presso Taba Cafè a Roma
Visita Keycafe a Roma per l’evento Format EXTRA – Ospitalità d’Autore per scoprire come sta cambiando il check-in grazie alle nuove tecnologie nel settore extra-alberghiero.
Six Essential Technologies for Vacation Rental Hosts
These six home technologies are essential for vacation rental hosts and property managers when it comes to managing guests and monitoring their home.
Sistema de Gerenciamento de Chaves Corporativas da Keycafe
A troca de chaves corporativas da Keycafe ajuda as empresas a gerenciar grandes quantidades de chaves e acessar suas propriedades facilmente.
Keycafe Poursuit son Expansion à Travers Paris
Keycafe continue d’étendre ses services d’échange de clés à travers Paris pour les hôtes de la location de vacances et Airbnb.
Keycafe已經在台北市推出物業進出鑰匙存取服務,幫助物業經理,民宿房東及其他企業主簡化鑰匙存取交換的流程和優化客人入住登記的體驗。透過提供簡單的鑰匙存取交換服務,Keycafe使台北市居民也能夠享受鑰匙存取交換服務的便利,並進而享受所在城市提供的各種共享經濟服務: 從汽車共享到房源共享所帶來的益處。