Keycafe’s admin panel has been redesigned to provide a smoother and more intuitive experience when managing keys. Read more about the changes we’ve made.

Introducing Keycafe’s Redesigned Admin Panel
You might have noticed that Keycafe has made some changes to the administrative panel once you log in. We have redesigned the admin panel in order to provide a smoother and more intuitive experience for you.

The new Accesses menu section is where you can immediately see all of your scheduled and ongoing accesses at a glance. This simplifies the management of accesses allowing you to easily add accesses or modify existing accesses from this menu.
Digging deeper you will find the Guest Journey where you can follow along and see what stage your guest is at in picking up their keys. In the About Key section you can resend the guest their access information, edit or cancel the access, toggle on or off the return key reminder, and you also have the option to require that your guests upload their ID via the mobile app’s new Photo ID Verification feature.

The Keys menu section lets you see all of your keys and keys others have given you access to. You will also be able to see who the key-owner is, the duration of your access to keys, and the status of keys.
When you select a key that belongs to you from this menu, you will be able to add guest access, see the key’s history, and see detailed key information. If you select a key you’ve been given access to, you’ll be able to read the key-owner’s welcome note, see the key’s home location, and access some information about the key like your history of access.

The locations menu section provides you with a map of your surroundings along with all nearby public SmartBoxes you can access. Selecting a SmartBox location will provide you detailed information about the address, hours of operation, and number of available key bins. If a SmartBox location’s key bins are starting to fill up, you can see this from the location menu and can reserve a key bin at the SmartBox for the next four hours. (Note: in the desktop view – the locations map is accessed via the globe icon in the upper right corner – the location icon in the desktop view is for enterprise locations only)

The SmartBoxes menu section is a feature of the Keycafe app that allows enterprise users to manage a private network of SmartBoxes. For more information on our enterprise platform, visit enterprise key management, or email our sales team at for more information.

The new Keycafe admin interface also features more comprehensive settings and new features under the More menu tab. You can control all of your Keycafe account’s details and information and manage settings like the communications Keycafe sends you, monitor your account activity, change the default language, and much more. The main new highlights of the more menu are:

More – Help & Contact
This area is where you can contact Keycafe direction for support and provide feedback via chat, email, phone, and also access our Help Center.

More – Advanced – Exports
This is where you can download requested traveller ID for submission to the authorities where required by law. You can also export your full history of accesses into a downloadable .csv file.

More – Classic View
Select the More menu section and select Classic View near the bottom to switch over. Once you enter your log in details again, you’ll be brought to the original classic view where you can manage your account just like you always have.

Billing is only available through the classic view at this time. So in order to change your plan or edit payment details please navigate to the classic view.