As the world’s primary travel and hotel booking website, has had a long history. Read about the company’s creation and how it came to be today.

The History of
While Airbnb has attracted a lot of attention in the hospitality and travel industry over the past couple of years, before the home-sharing platform rose to dominance it was that was dominating the online accommodation sector. The history of goes much further back compared to younger companies like Airbnb, and gives a glimpse into how online accommodation has changed over the past couple of decades. Originally created as, the small internet company went through multiple mergers and acquisitions to become part of Booking Holdings, which has been publicly traded on the NASDAQ since 1999 and is a component of the S&P 100 and 500 indices. Despite its humble beginnings, represented around 89% of Booking Holdings’ gross profit for 2017, and over the past 20 years has become the world’s largest platform for hotel bookings around the world.
In 1996, founder Geert-Jan Bruinsma came across, which allowed Hilton hotel room bookings over the internet in the United States. When he looked to see if he could book a hotel room online in Amsterdam it wasn’t possible, and so Bruinsma decided to create a website for people in or visiting the Netherlands to book a hotel room online. Bruinsma wasn’t well acquainted with the hotel industry, yet quickly spun up and let hotels decide their rooms’ rates on the website with a 5% commission. In 1997, when he tried to take an advertisement out in the newspaper, he was rejected since advertisements couldn’t just be for a website address and required a phone number.

While Bruinsma had early initiative, was behind two other websites about hotels in Amsterdam, with neither one offering online reservations. One allowed reservations through an email form and the other was simply an online advertising space for hotels, so Bruinsma offered to collaborate by having their sites link to for a 50/50 split on booking commissions. This move helped kickstart Bruinsma’s business, and by the end of 1998 he was able to hire another person to help him out with the company. In 2000, merged with Bookings Online and adopted the currently used URL, with Bruinsma able to hire another five employees by 2002.
At this point in the history of, the website had attracted a global user base and was in talks to be purchased by Expedia. After about six months of work and negotiations, Expedia’s board ultimately decided not to go through with the purchase. About three years later in 2005, Priceline Group acquired for $133 million before also acquiring and incorporating it with their purchase of Active Hotels Limited. While Priceline Group owned a variety of known travel and accommodation websites (,,, and to name a few), since its purchase has been their key driver of revenue. It wasn’t surprising when at the start of 2018 Priceline Group changed their name to Booking Holdings.
In order to remain competitive, has been branching out into the short-term rentals market. In May of 2019 the company reported to have more than 5.8 million home-listings around the world, generating $2.8 billion (20 percent of the company’s overall revenue) in revenue from alternative accommodations in 2018. While Airbnb came out to say their platform has more than 6 million listings, is continuously adding new tools to make property management and search filtering for short-term rentals on their platform easier. Along with this, Booking Holdings CEO Glenn Fogel mentioned in a recent earnings call that he’s considering opportunistic mergers and acquisitions in order to push growth in new sectors. It’s likely that home sharing is only the beginning of a new direction in the history of, with the company looking to expand their services to offer bookable tours and activities to ensure they remain on top as the world’s primary travel and accommodation website.
About Keycafe
Keycafe is a technology company modernizing business key management with a cloud-connected SmartBox and accompanying key management software.
In addition to a global Public Network of over 1000 locations for Airbnb users, Keycafe’s Enterprise Solution enables businesses in any industry to manage key access for staff and customers.