Multiple Airbnb hosts have been caught hiding cameras to film their Airbnb guests. Here are some helpful tips on how to find hidden cameras in your Airbnb.

How to Find Hidden Cameras in Your Airbnb
Recently some Airbnb hosts have been caught hiding cameras to film their Airbnb guests, so we’ve put together some helpful tips on how to find hidden cameras in your Airbnb. While Airbnb hosts are required to disclose any surveillance devices within their property, a few have been found guilty of not informing their guests about cameras hidden in their property. One incident involved a superhost’s hidden camera being found by a guest in their Airbnb’s bedroom, with the host now serving time in jail.
Keep in mind that hosts using undisclosed surveillance devices are rare and unlikely. This being said, if you want to check for your peace of mind, below are some simple steps you can take to find hidden cameras that might be placed in the Airbnb you’re staying at.
Use a Flashlight to Spot Hidden Camera Lens Reflections
Maybe the easiest and best known method to look for cameras, using a flashlight to look for camera lens reflections lets you do a quick overview of a room to catch out any poorly placed hidden cameras. To make spotting a lens reflection easier, start by turning off all the lights in the room and closing any blinds or other sources of natural light. Then, using a flashlight with a fairly concentrated light beam (you can use your phone’s flashlight, it just won’t be as effective), sweep the light across any areas or surfaces where you think a hidden camera might be recording. Look for any odd reflections of light coming off of a hidden camera lens when you pass the light over them.
Look Out for Oddly Shaped or Placed Objects

While there are a lot of very small cameras being made these days, most will be connected to a memory card or power source that will usually be larger than the camera itself. Typically, these will be hidden within or behind other objects or gadgets, and will be specially positioned to have a clear view of the majority of the room they’re in. Take a close look at any strange or bulky looking USB wall chargers or oddly positioned alarm clocks, and check drawers, cabinets, and bookshelves for any suspicious wiring or devices.
Keep an eye out for any unnecessary holes in plant pots, picture frames, or any other objects that have a clear line of sight or panoramic view of the room they’re in. Smoke detectors (and fake smoke detectors) are often used to hide cameras since they have an unobstructed view of a room and typically go unnoticed.
Use a Network Scanning App or an RF Detector
One of the first cases of guests finding hidden cameras in an Airbnb happened to Andrew Barker, who used a network scanning app to find a hidden camera connected to the Airbnb host’s wifi network. If you’re interested in learning more about how he did it, he wrote up a blog post on how to increase your chances of finding a hidden camera. Apps like Fing or iNet can let you know what devices are connected to a wifi network, letting you quickly see if there are any unexpected devices connected to the home’s wifi network. While this is a great way to perform a quick check for any unwanted devices in your Airbnb, voyeuristic hosts can get around this if they have a secondary private wifi network for the hidden camera to connect to.
In these cases, purchasing an RF detector for around $50 will be your best bet to find hidden cameras. These detect radio frequencies that are given off by devices connected to wifi or bluetooth connections, and will tip you off regarding any suspicious devices like microphones or cameras connected to any hidden networks.
What to do if you Find a Hidden Camera in Your Airbnb
If you do find a hidden camera or any other undisclosed surveillance device in your Airbnb, you should contact Airbnb directly and report the incident. Take some pictures of the camera or microphone so that you have evidence for your claim. Airbnb has repeatedly stated their zero tolerance policy towards undisclosed surveillance devices, and has been removing hosts violating the rules. Legislation surrounding undisclosed hidden cameras varies depending on the state, province, or country you’re in, so take that into consideration if you are looking to file a police report.
While it is always best to remain vigilant about your privacy and security, remember that the majority of Airbnb hosts are fully compliant with the platform’s surveillance policies.
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Keycafe is a technology company modernizing business key management with a cloud-connected SmartBox and accompanying key management software.
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